A webhook is a callback to an application or web service that is triggered when a specific event occurs. You can setup a webhook to look for a specific event like user creation, listing creation, order confirmation, order status updates, etc.,  A webhook enables Tradly to push real-time notifications to your app.


Definition of event

Events are the actions that occur in Tradly. Let’s say you want to send a custom welcome email to your users whenever they register. You can listen to user.created event by creating a webhook. Whenever any user registers on your platform, you will be notified and your backend can take action by sending emails.

Supported Events

user.created        =>      occur when new user is created

user.updated        =>      occur when user is updated

listing.created     =>      occur when new listing is created

listing.updated     =>      occur when existing listing is updated

listing.deleted     =>      occur when existing listing is deleted

listing.approved    =>      occur when listing is approved from the SuperAdmin

listing.rejected    =>      occur when listing is rejected from the SuperAdmin

account.created     =>      occur when a new account is created

account.updated     =>      occur when existing account is updated

account.deleted     =>      occur when existing account is deleted

account.approved    =>      occur when account is approved from the SuperAdmin

account.rejected    =>      occur when account is rejected from the SuperAdmin

order.confirmed     =>      occur when order is successfully placed

order.canceled      =>      occur when order is successfully canceled

Steps for receiving webhooks

  1. Select the events that you want to listen.
  2. Make a publicly accessible HTTP endpoint on your server (or 3rd Party Integration). Must be HTTPS.
  3. Handle the Tradly request and return 2XX response status codes.
  4. Deploy your endpoint on your system/integration
  5. Enter your system’s endpoint URL into the Tradly Webhook.

To Verify the webhook signature

Whenever Tradly notifies your endpoint URL, it signs the events and sends a signature in the header with the key X-Tradly-Signature. With this, you can verify that events are triggered from Tradly and NOT from anywhere else.

  • Whenever a webhook is created, a unique webhook secret key is generated for each webhook. 
  • When a webhook event is received on your backend, compute HMAC message digest using SHA256 algorithm bypassing the webhook secret as secret and the event id as input message. 
  • Match the computed HMAC with the signature value received in the header. If both match, the webhook is verified and you can proceed with the request; otherwise, you reject the request.

Troubleshooting & How you can test online

Here is a way how you can test online without your system or integration system.

  1. Go to this Webhook.site tester

  2. Copy the URL as highlighted here

  3. Put this URL in the Tradly Webhook system

  4. Select which event you want to track.

  5. Go to your platform and make the event you selected.

Then wait for few secs, you should be able to see in webhook.site.

For example: Here is what we have tried in Tradly Webhook interface

And what is available in webhook site after we created a new user.

When the webhook is failed, you will get an email to the platform registered email with a subject line “Tradly webhook delivery issues for https://tradly.app”

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