3rd party Integrations for Mobile Apps managed by Tradly

On top of the existing features we have pre-built you, We support you through additional extensions that are unique to your needs and business.

Extensions can range from business feature to marketing to analytics to operations, etc.


  1. Do I need these Integrations? - No, not all the Integrations are needed for you. In each Integrations, we recommend which one is mandatory to have, recommended to have and optional to have.

  2. Do I need to pay for integrations providers? Most of the integrations we choose are free, have charges only after a certain usage. So you might not need to pay for it until you cross the threshhold

  3. What should I do if I need Integrations? You can create free accounts(details on each extension page) whichever you need and update those credentials under your superadmin panel for us to retrieve whenever we provide app updates and launches for you.

  4. Does Integrations start collecting data or allow you to use the features when you activate in superadmin panel? Not all of them. Some get activated in real time and some are activated only when we update the apps or launch apps in respective stores.

  5. Do you charge for the Integrations integrations? We try to integrate as many Integrations for free based on most users needs progressively. However we cannot promise that one you expect will be available for free. If you don’t find in our list, it will not be available and need to be integrated with additional charges. When we quote for any implementation, we quote and charge only 10% of the estimation. Example: For integration a new payment gateway which is not in our existing list, we charge $300 instead of $3000. In return, the code would be available for every other platform owners to benefit as well. This is same as others contribute as well.

  6. Do you charge for the Integrations by users or transaction? We don’t charge anything expect integrations. You will be directly paying to the vendor for additional usage charges. Hence, we will always ask you to open the account through your own emails and payment details. Most of the Integrations are supported by well known industry players, so their support are better. Worst case,We can help if you are stuck somewhere 😊

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