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Our latest release notes have been moved

2021Q3 Product Updates

Introducing Tradly JS SDK. We are super excited to bring this to you!

What’s more than a SDK that can SAVE developers time to integrate new solution! Stripe was a big inspiration for us. Making things easier for even a junior developers to build application faster was a goal to improve developer experience. And we did it. We are excited than ever in our journey to share our Javascript SDK is ready!

2021Q2 Product Updates

We have been continuously finding ways to improve the product and customer expectations. With change always in mind, we have got the below updates to be shared. If you have got any feedback, share it with us.

We would like to share what we will be focusing on in the new few months and product updates.

  1. Additional focus on Headless API Product
  2. Introducing Marketplace Ecosystem
  3. Product Updates

2021Q1 Product Updates

As a lean startup, we are evolving every day, being open to changes in customer expectation to industry needs. We believe all of our success and customer success depends on the continuous improvement on everything we do. We are experimenting different things, reflecting on and making changes accordingly.


January Product Updates

Thanks for being great support to us with patience and feedbacks to improve the ecosystem. Every suggestions you give us always help your fellow entreprenuers as well.

Here is update for January so far:

  1. Attributes enhancement (public-private, file attachment attribute)
  2. Account Approval is live on production

Note: If you want to activate this feature, let us know on slack for now. We will add this into SuperAdmin settings soon.

Account Approval

As a marketplace operators, you will be able to do a KYC process before approving stores to be shown in the marketplace. A bigger marketplace wants to regulate everything happening in it’s business

  • Marketplace owner able to approve a store in superadmin panel similar to our existing listing approval
  • You can activate auto approval or manual approval based on your performance
  • Until the store is activated, a seller account will not be visible in the marketplace from feed to search
  • A seller will have a label in his shop to see the account approval status

Attribute Enhancement

Every new attribute type is an opportunity for marketplace to increase user experience

  • Now you can get file attachment on account level or listing level. This will help you to do activities from KYC process to simple file verification
  • You can make attribute as private or public. Use cases like private data you want to gather from accounts/storeowners

2020Q4 Product Updates

Listening to wonderful entrepreneurs out is one of the happiest moment we have every day. We listen to their feedbacks, their plans, doubts, etc. We are working towards solving each goal aggressively 😎

  The last quarter of 2020 was a promising one which gave us signal on what’s working, what’s not and what need to be enhanced as well. This is achieved through two level of performance tracking. We improved our sentry implementation to identify different logs in front end apps and same way identifying issues in our backend API/database performance. Other than that dozen of feature releases to activate! 

September Update

As always thanks for the support and for sharing about our product to others. We are doing great and we believe you as well 😊. 

  1. Tradly made it to the semi finals in a pitch battle 🏅. The great thing is our very fitch pitch is to one of the best VC in the world, Sequoia Capital 😎.
  2. Features updates
  3. New YouTube channel with multiple demo of our products
  4. New Pricing for developer community with our API focused headless solution
  5. Open sourcing our react web app, Hummingbird
Read more, September Update

August Product Updates

Hello All,

Thanks for being a great support to us and early adopters to help the product. Your ideas, your dreams and our vision are what drive us to innovate more and deliver new features.

We are sharing here what’s happening recently. 

  • Managing revenue model from SuperAdmin Panel
    We have released a commission model configuration which allows platform owners to set commission on product category level. Previously, it was available on overall transactions. Further info

  • New Notification center
    Adding to our existing chat notifications, now you can find the permanent notification on the notification center about the order status and social feed.

  • Improved order detail page

    • Your buyers can directly chat with the seller. 
    • Able to change the order status and confirm order delivery. 
    • And find the order status in detailed steps. 
  • Reviews

    • Your buyers can submit reviews with photos and ratings.
  • Other things

    • Design Kit: We have made our design kit open for our customers to test different thematic colors and UI customisation. Available here
    • Updated our docs on the customisation to explain clearly what you can change and what you cannot before launching the app to Playstore and Appstore. Also their specifications of assets
  • Star ⭐️ of the month
    Our customer from Australia wanted to connect plant 🌱 loving communities. They are launching a marketplace using our infrastructure to allow people to buy and sell plants. We are excited about their idea and doing our best to succeed in their business. Posting here the app link in our next update for you to check if you are from australia.
Read more, August Product Updates


We are pleased to announce our Tradly Platform knowledge portal which includes everything from documentation to detailed recipes on how to build a platform business.

We are starting small with information what we believe is needed for customers to start ahead. However, we will be regularly every week updating the contents to reflect new product updates and contents for our customers to be updated on what we are upto.

Read more, Welcome