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Checklist from stard to end on what you need to launch.

Tradly solution is catered to different groups separately

  • For developers: Headless API solution. Using the API solution, developers can build apps on top of it
  • For non-coders: A simple toggle based SuperAdmin Panel to configure features in the already pre-built apps (also called as storefront, front end apps, templated apps).

For Developers

5 Steps for No Coders


There will be 5 type of works you will be doing to configure the app to work fully functional for a MVP launch to the market.

1. Selecting mandatory informations)

As of Nov 2022, When you signup as a new user, all the below items are activated with default values and you can change them in SuperAdmin.

  • Default things (Example: Appname, currency, Language, registration method, country you want to launch, )
  • Choose your business Model (Product Marketplace, Service Marketplace, etc)
  • Choose Revenue Model : See here for the available revenue model for your business and how it works
  • Choose Delivery Method/Service Methods
  • Choose Payment Gateways
  • Choose Location & Map if you are planning to have location specific features

NICE! When you reach the SuperAdmin home page, you will be able to find your APP NAME. That’s the APP NAME you should be using to experience your test app via Tradly Test apps. Whatever the type of marketplaces, mostly these are the fundamental blocks you should need to configure. The rest of the steps are mostly according to your business

2. Platform Fundamentals

You must configure this below things for the system to be able to open accounts, submit listings and make purchases.

  • Configure accounts: SuperAdmin > Settings > accounts(categories, attributes)
  • Configure listings: SuperAdmin > Settings > listings (Setting up listings information to be collected. Categories, attributes)
  • Stripe/other payment gateways configuration (under native integrations)
  • Configure revenue model, commissions: SuperAdmin > Settings > commissions OR Settings > Subscriptions OR Settings > Special Fees

3. Configure 3rd Party integrations

When you don’t setup this, below features may not work.

  • Configure email if you want the emails to be whitelisted
  • Configure domain if you want good deliverability of emails
  • Chat setup via Firebase
  • Optionally referral / sharing features via Branch
  • Optionally later legal informations (privacy, terms, etc)

:::important This below information are applicable only if you need Tradly or it’s Partners to customise and launch your mobile apps. This is not for Headless API subscribers. :::

4. Customising your look and feel of the App

When you request a build from us, whatever the branding and customisation you have configured in mobile config (under SuperAdmin) will be available for you.

Settings > App Customisation > add app related informations

  • App Name
  • Choose your app colour
  • App Icon
  • Splash launch images
  • Onboarding images , Onboarding Text
  • Registration Text
  • Sell Icon (optional)
  • App title in Home Screen (Default will be app name) And others

If we are helping you to launch apps on playstore and appstore, we need the below things to be ready. For Appstore, we need appstore Developer level access to send the build to your account.

  • Appstore access & Provisioning
  • Playstore access & Provisioning

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