Prices will increase on January 14. The annual subscription discount will revert from 45% to the regular 20%.

You can call this microcopy, string translation, or text customization. The goal here is to provide you with a way to change the default text or multi-language text used in the mobile apps (changing on the website is not ready yet). 


The strings are grouped by respective screens. There is a chance you might not know what the name of the screen is. We are still trying to identify which is the best way to explain them. Share your ideas if you have any.

What if a string I changed is not reflected in the app? 

-Kill the app and load the app

I changed a string but it's too long in my language and the UI is having issues.

Please let us know what problem you are having with the screenshot, and we will improve it if possible.

What's Next? 

  • We are bringing a search section here to easily find the strings. 
  • Implementing Translations in Web Templates (2023).

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