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Build Any Commerce, Platform apps using our modular blocks

Here are some steps to guide on your journey. Launching apps with Tradly is unbelievably fast! SuperAdmin saves huge amount of time using simple configurations and flexible. 

For Developers

For Headless API 

If you are a developer, here are the steps for you to consume the API

  1. Find your API keys under Settings in > API
  2. API reference doc available under this link
  3. For any questions, Just ask us in the community forum
  4. Product concepts are covered in detail under the documentation
  5. Open source front end apps built on Tradly in different languages 

For Every One including No-coders

For no-code customising app 

If you are looking to buy the native apps and use our simple no-code configuration, here are the steps for you

  1. For Apps: Superadmin > App > customisations
  2. For Web: Visit Editor
  3. By these 3 steps, you can already preview the app in TradlyPlatform test apps (TEST DATA). or your https://{{contact.external_id}} preview URL for the web. But your platform will be empty because there are no content :). So start posting things!
  4. Join community forum for Questions

Common Checklist for both teams to get some test data/content. 

  1. Read what is Accounts (for marketplace) and Listingsn knowledge base
  2. SuperAdmin > Settings > Accounts. Configure account categories, attributes, etc (Applicable to two sided marketplaces)
  3. SuperAdmin > Settings > Listings. Configure listing categories, attributes, etc (for all commerce platforms). By the first 3 steps, you will start able to open an account, post a listing. and see the app in live
  4. Then you can configure payments, chats to work under Settings > Payments.
  5. APP INTEGRATION: + Settings > Native integrations. This is the section you can configure 3rd party things like Maps, branch, firebase, etc for location, referrals, and chats to work. 
  6. WEB INTEGRATION: You may configure them from here:

If you would like to have a demo, reply to us in this email.


Lite Approach

Enter Templates, Templates are a pre-built web apps and mobile apps built on top of Tradly Headless API. With templates, you can quickly get your idea into live mode which allows you to provide a simple onboarding for your users, add content, make transactions, etc.

Internally, our motivations is to provide the base template for you to START, and also provide VISUALLY how Tradly API can be used to build a variety of marketplaces, stores and platforms. Go to 


  • You can change from one template to another template. This will not affect your platform settings. It only change the appearance of web or mobile apps
  • Templates are duplication - overriding the existing template setup. 

Advanced Approach

However, for a matured business, Templates may not be the perfect choice. So for anyone who wants totally a new way of UI/UX, it’s advisable to build front end templates from scratch. Using Tradly boilerplates available in Github, you can build templates on top of Headless API.

Our advice is to take an evolution approach where you can continuously improve your UI/UX.

  1. Marketplace Business Models
  2. Marketplace Revenue Models