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Here is the brief functionality for your customer support team.


Orders Page

Order Management

A variety of order status to make your platform, seller, buyer, delivery Partners have a seamless and validated experience

Platform Moderation

Approval & Moderation

A quality control that you can auto approve any content and reject them later. Or you can active everything is approved before posting. Hence you have full control on the quality and safety maintenance of your platform.

  • Approve, Reject and block a listings
  • Approve, Reject and block a account

Ratings & Reviews

A user generated feature that allow you to monitor the reviews of each account or listings through your platform users. From the SuperAdmin you can monitor them.

Feedback form

A simple feedback form that collect the feedbacks from your users. Whether it’s a feedback about your platform or issue with order or a bug submission.

Integrations to add your favourite tools

Not just the native features, we have also integrated tools that goes beyond this simple functionality.

Check 25+ integrations in our Integration Gallery

Read all other features avaialable in the docs section