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Your live website's existing URL will be replaced with a new one that is assigned here if you add your custom domain.

The custom domain is a domain name that you have registered and are using for your website, as opposed to using a default URL provided by Tradly. Adding a custom domain allows you to use a more professional and memorable URL for your website, and it can also improve your website's search engine rankings and visibility.

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FAQ about Domain

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    You can also check your DNS status using Google DNS Lookupafter you have added in your Domain DNS

    Here is help article on how to add A Record in your Domain DNS.

    Here is help article on how to addCNAME Record in your Domain DNS.

    To configure a Cloudflare-proxied domain on Tradly, you need to follow these steps:

    • Insert a CNAME record with the value (recommended) or an A record with the value
    • Go to SSL/TLS and then Overview in the Cloudflare dashboard, and enable Full to ensure the traffic is always encrypted between Cloudflare and Tradly. You can check theCloudflare documentationfor more information aboutEncryption modes.