Few times we have seen some of the leads when they submit a contact form, They select everything when asked about what type of business models they want to build. So here is some basic info about the difference between D2C, B2B, B2C, C2C and Social commerce.


Direct to Consumer (D2C) are the brand owners who sell their product directly to their customers without resellers, wholesalers, or any other middle man. This helps both brand and consumer towards a transparent Trade. Example: Glossier.

D2C Template

Here are the steps on how you can build a D2C Store with Tradly

Social Commerce

Social commerce embodies everything revolving around a profile or called an account. A store belongs to an account / individual profile where people can follow, chat with them, engage with them on social actions (like, comment, share, create wish lists, etc). There will be a portion of people who wouldn’t have made transactions on the social platform but are using their other features like following a specific brand, communication, etc. In this case, this set of users wouldn’t buy or sell but just act as social users. Facebook Stores are a perfect example of this type. Launch Social Commerce

Social Marketplace Templates


One(Seller) to many(customer). D2C brands are also considered the B2C models. However B2C business models can sell other brands products as well (Example: A sports store selling Adidas and Nike shoes together)


Many(business) to Many(Business). WIKI: In B2B there are business people on both sides, whereas in B2C there is normally one business person and one consumer. B2B has many sellers and different stores, whereas B2C, is usually just one supplier. B2B concentrates on raw data for another company, but B2C focuses on producing something for consumers.

Social Marketplace Templates


Many(consumer) to many(Consumer). In a C2C platform, a buyer can be a seller and a seller can be a buyer. It’s an open platform that allows both sides to switch their positions. And also allow many on both sides. Example: Fiverr, Etsy, Depop. Classified can also be considered as C2C.

Launch a C2C marketplace with Tradly - Start Building For Free

Social Marketplace Templates

On-demand Delivery and Last Mile Delivery

On top of all this marketplace or business type, there is a logistic functionality involved.

  • For Example: 2022 Released Tradly Fleet provides retail stores and restaurants to launch their own delivery network.
  • There is two approach for business to deliver

On Demand - Mostly used by grocery and restaurants to provide immediate delivery. Again mostly it’s same day delivery.

Last Mile Delivery - They are not supposed to be always a on-demand. They could be a delivery partner to big players like DHL, Cargo companies or big retail etc to provide the last mile of the delivery. Legacy delivery companies doesn’t have the network to delivery the items quickly(less than 48hours) and to every corner of the city/village.


If you are planning to build an ecosystem around your business, there is a high chance you want to build Partner Portal/Pages/Platform for your business.

Simple and FREE. Launch your project today!

- Launch Marketplaces, Online Storefronts, Booking Apps, Classifieds, Directories, Partner Portals, App Stores, etc.
- Tradly pricing starts with ZERO. You pay only when you grow.
- Free No-code Integrations, No-Code Editor

Resources to build launch and grow your business
