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Platform business model on funding has really disrupted the status quo. Thanks to crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo & Gofundme. They made the mass audience believe this model will work out whether you want to fund a creator or helping a cause. According to Giving USA 2019, a study of charitable giving in the United States, $300 Billion was given by individuals to a charity organization.

Crowdfunding breaks the monopoly domination of funding and lending, it democratised the common man to invest/raise through campaign posting. What Kickstarter and Gofundme have disrupted can be applied in many industries as well.

If you are one, looking into entering into different niches or markets, here is how TradlyPlatform can help you to build and launch your crowdfunding platforms without writing code and versatile features.

Here are the building blocks of building a crowdfunding platform.

Configure Multiple Categories

You can configure single top-level categories or tree with 3-4 layers for your end-users to browse through the campaign. Kickstarter has a single level of categories but Indiegogo has multiple levels of categories

Indiegogo categories

Indiegogo categories

Kickstarter Categories

Custom Collections of crowdfunding campaigns

You can create collections of account profiles or campaign collections on our SuperAdmin Panel with multiple combinations. There is no limit on the number of collections you can have in your app or website.

Indiegogo custom collection of campaigns

Kickstarter Collections

Extensive fields available on API as well pre-built into apps

All the highlighted fields are already available for you to activate or deactivate based on your needs.

We have all these fields here as API endpoints to use or in pre-built apps.

This is just a glimpse of the features block example. TradlyPlatform API and Native Apps have versatile features available for you to build and launch your crowdfunding platforms. Signup for the FREE ACCOUNT and check out. or contact us directly to set up things for you!

Further Readings