Welcome to Tradly - the ultimate eCommerce software for car rental companies in Saudi Arabia!

If you’re a car rental company in Saudi Arabia looking to expand your business and attract more customers, you need an online booking website that is easy to use, secure, and supports local payment gateways. That’s where Tradly comes in.

Tradly is a powerful eCommerce software that enables car rental companies in Saudi Arabia to set up their own online booking websites in minutes. With our user-friendly platform and customizable templates, you can create a professional-looking website that showcases your rental cars and offers a seamless booking experience for your customers.

Here are some of the key features of Tradly:

User-friendly interface

Our platform is easy to use, even if you have no technical experience. You can easily customize your website with our simple Editor and choose from a range of customizable templates that are tailored to the Saudi Arabian market. Supports both Arabic and English.

Secure payment gateways

We support a variety of local payment gateways, such as SADAD and Mada, so your customers in Saudi Arabia can pay for their rental cars online with confidence.

Mobile-friendly design

Our templates are designed to be mobile-friendly, so your customers in Saudi Arabia can easily book rental cars on their smartphones and tablets.

Customizable rental options

You can set up hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly rental options for your customers in Saudi Arabia, and choose from a range of rental cars, including economy cars, luxury cars, and SUVs that are popular in the Saudi Arabian market.

Customer support

Our team is available 24/7 to provide customer support and help you with any technical issues or questions you may have.

If you’re ready to take your car rental business in Saudi Arabia to the next level, sign up for Tradly today and start building your online booking website in minutes!

Simple and FREE. Launch your project today!

- Launch Marketplaces, Online Storefronts, Booking Apps, Classifieds, Directories, Partner Portals, App Stores, etc.
- Tradly pricing starts with ZERO. You pay only when you grow.
- Free No-code Integrations, No-Code Editor