We envision and designed our TradlyPlatform infrastructure to be open as much as possible.

  • Able to be used for different business model and community driven open method.
  • Able to connect with multiple stake holders of a business
  • Able to connect with diverse customers of a business
  • Able to do operation on multiple platforms and Devices


The platform is made of multiple functionality blocks. You can switch off and switch on different components using our config.

Multi Sided

You can use the platform to customise the sides based on your need

  • Trade: Seller > Buyer
  • Trade: Seller > Buyer > Driver
  • Trade: Producer > Buyer (Example: Farm Produce)
  • Finance: Campaign Creator > Campaign Donor
  • Finance: Campaign Creator > Campaign Funder
  • Finance: Campaign Creator > Campaign Bidder
  • Education: Course Producer > Course Consumer (Example: Udemy)
  • Education: Course Poster > Course Consumer (Example: School Platform)
  • GovTech: Citizen Feedbacks > Govt-department Solution providers

Transactional and Non-Transactional

You can activate the platform to be transactional like a commerce or make platform purely two sided engagement

Example: Etsy (Transactional)

Example: Donation Platform
