Prices will increase on January 14. The annual subscription discount will revert from 45% to the regular 20%.

CropData is on a mission to connect millions of distant farmers to knowledge, markets, and essential services in a Neutral environment.

CropData platform provides a range of unique features and services to establish and reinforce trust in its neutral position.

  • Granular data collection, and analytics for verification and monitoring of farmers and farms.
  • Rolling crop condition verification and reporting using dynamic crop calendars, based on ground-truthing, weather correlations, and seasonal calendars.
  • Last-mile interface for hand-holding of the farmers.
  • Bundled services with complete transparency and traceability in the Blockchain environment.
  • Workflow-based task allocation, data collection, and logistics management.
  • Mathematical aggregation of small farmers into large lots. Straight-through processing of transactions with Escrow-based money management.
  • Ecosystem for essential value-added services through third-party aggregators.
  • End-to-end counterparty risk monitoring and management.