Here you can find the curated best resources that can help you to grow your marketplaces. This are our favourite resources which helped us to grow initially + some resource which we found recently
Andrew chen articles are best in terms of building marketplace. Try to read his top essays or this one which focus on supply
Pathforward - This blog has plenty of resources from idea to reach series level growth. or You can particularly read about this link
From 500 Startups, the one who is like mother of marketplaces has shared about marketplace mistakes. Success is being aware of what not to do. You can read here
[James Currier](http://As investors and advisors in over 60 early-marketplace startups, we’ve paid close attention to what it takes to get marketplaces started.), who is an investor and advisor in over 60 early-marketplace startups, He shared his ideas and observation from different marketplaces. It is worth to reading his resources. Read [about his 19 Tactics](http://19 Tactics to Solve the Chicken-or-Egg Problem and Grow Your Marketplace) to grow your marketplace.
From VC Firm - Andresson Horowitz - They are the series range funding company and they love marketplace investment. Read about it here on what they share about growing marketplace. Do you what is managed marketplaces or controlled marketplaces? This is one of the purpose why customers extra money to you and what it differs you from a classified business. Read here on what you need to do to show that you are not a classified and care about customer care
From Segment. If you are in B2B, Segment has a unique piece on managing and growing a marketplace. What they love about them is they are sharing their own story, Not someone story, so it’s worth to read here
Other resources:
I hope this information are helpful to you. If you find any more interesting piece share with us, we would love to share with our network!